Scope of Work
Business Genre: Non-Profit: Church & Religion
Pastor Olu Brown strongly believes in an active church, one that makes a meaningful impact in the lives of individuals and communities. Furthermore he is convinced that the realization of the dreams of the people of Impact are not limited to just this church. Other ministries, businesses and for-purpose (non-profit) organizations can also realize their visions in their own contexts. As a highly sought after keynote speaker and facilitator, this belief combined with inquiries he hears nationally and internationally regarding how Impact “did it,” inspired Olu to found the IMPACT 4D Leadership Conference.
Our Task
To create an informational and registration landing page for the Impact 4D Conferences for the Winter and Fall Sessions of 2015. These conferences required e-commerce development for registration, graphic and marketing material, app development, production videos, and strategic market planning for optimal attendance. This was a great collaboration with Impact CDC and S16.
Video & Project Images
Website Design
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